Sunday 29 May 2011

Allow me to introduce myself...

For starters, I'm Haych, 19 years old and living in the North-West of England!
I think the first thing I need to mention is my addiction to gorgeous, well fitting lingerie. I love a good trip bra-shopping, and I want to share my experience with the world!
In my blog, I'm going to mention news in the world of underwear, share my experiences (with regards to essential bra-shopping know-how!) and review underwear in a range of sizes, hopefully with the aid of some glamorous assistants ;)

This is me! You can't see it, but I'm wearing a high street bra, from Topshop, and is a personal favourite of mine.

I don't have much to say about this now, all that is to come later! But I will say that the high street is never to be overlooked when looking for a bra!

One of the main problems that I have while shopping for underwear is a problem many women face; I have two different sized boobs! The difference isn't much, but there is at least half a cup size difference between the two. Another issue I have is trying to find a back size that will fit; generally, I fit a 28 or 30 back, and I struggle to find these in some shops.
I hope to address these issues (and more!) in future posts.

In the mean-time, thank you for taking the time to read!

Haych x